40 Quotes About You-and-i
- Author Sijdah Hussain
Complain about each other to each other.Have your freedom … G E N T L Y.Discuss your mind – politely.
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- Author Kamand Kojouri
Like a child who saves their favourite food on the plate for last, I try to save all thoughts of you for the end of the day so I can dream with the taste of you on my tongue.
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- Author Kamand Kojouri
Does God knowthe number of kissesbefore we fall in love?Yesterday, I was nobodyand I believed myself important.Today,I feel my worth in you.You, with your emerald eyes and ebony hair,even your heartbeat is beautiful.You, who is my greatest joy,all other concerns vanish in your presence.You swallow timeand consume space,inspiring all my passionwith a single embrace.I love your existence.
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- Author Kamand Kojouri
I'll forget me.You forget you.We can be onetogether, happily.
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- Author Kamand Kojouri
You know how sometimes you meet someone and you feel like you've known them your whole life?Well, I feel like I've loved you my whole life.
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- Author Kamand Kojouri
Your eyes are like heavy rain falling from pregnant clouds. With one glance, you washed awaythe poems I chalked on the groundand drowned all my beliefs.Now, I only scribble your name and believe in your truth. I know nothing but you.
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- Author Kamand Kojouri
What is this lovethat makes me see beauty,and makes every beautiful thing bring you back to me?What is this lovethat makes me declare 'I love you'even though I uttered itonly a moment ago?What is this love that keeps growing even when my chest is soreand it hurts to love you any more?Tell me:How am I to find what this love iswhen it was the one to find you, me, this verse, and this universe?
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- Author Kamand Kojouri
The greatest thing about me isn’t even a part of me. It’s you.
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- Author Kamand Kojouri
Can we share my eyes so you can see what I see?Can we share my ears so you can hear what I hear?Can you perch on my shouldersso you can go where I go?Always in my heart, I don’t experience anything separate from you.This shared wonderment becomes doubled.This shared love becomes infinite.
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