187 Quotes About Zen-buddhism
- Author Dainin Katagiri
If you don’t understand, please keep your mouth shut and just live with all sentient beings in peace and harmony beyond your intellectual speculation. It’s not necessary to think how much that helps people or how many people it helps. All you have to do is be peaceful with people right now, right here, day by day.
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- Author Kakuzō Okakura
A sa naissance, il entre dans le royaume des rêves pour ne s'éveiller à la réalité qu'au moment de sa mort.
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- Author Shunryu Suzuki
When we hear the sound of the pine trees on a windy day, perhaps the wind is just blowing, and the pine tree is just standing in the wind. That is all they are doing. But the people who listen to the wind in the tree will write a poem, or will feel something unusual. That is, I think, the way everything is.
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- Author Kosho Uchiyama Roshi
KODO SAWAKI: Studying originally meant aspiring to discover the meaning of life. These days studying has become all about getting a job.
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- Author Kosho Uchiyama Roshi
KODO SAWAKI ~ To practice the buddha way is not to let our minds wander but to become one with what we’re doing. This is called zanmai (or samadhi) and shikan (or “just doing”). Eating rice isn’t preparation for shitting; shitting isn’t preparation for making manure. And yet these days people think that high school is preparation for college and college is preparation for a good job.
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- Author Dainin Katagiri
Detachment doesn’t mean you should ignore form; it means you have to attach to form through and through. A form may bother you, but you need form because you love truth, you love peace, you love life itself.
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- Author Thomas Merton
The function of a university is to teach a [person] how to drink tea, not because anything is important, but because it is usual to drink tea, or for that matter anything else under the sun. And whatever you do, every act, however small, can teach you everything, provided you see who is acting.”― Thomas Merton, Thomas Merton On Prayer
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- Author Dainin Katagiri
Everydayness perfumes the depth of life, the huge ocean where all are interconnected, and makes your life mature. Then a new life arises from the depth and appears on the surface. So, by taking care of everydayness, you don’t make just the surface mature; you also make the depth of your life mature.
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- Author Alan W. Watts
Trying to explain Zen is like trying to catch wind in a box; the moment you the lid it ceases to be wind and in time becomes stagnant air.
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