121 Quotes by Ramana Pemmaraju

Ramana Pemmaraju Quotes By Tag

  • Author Ramana Pemmaraju
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    There has never been a moment in one's life when one might not have stumbled upon this strange reality. What am I doing, where am I so hurriedly running, what is my objective, this whole world is a rat race and I'm going no where, with out any goal, Isn't it?. This thought comes to me very often. Alas! what to do, don't know what and where to knock the door and experience reality. No sooner that i try, I'm again fallen into the dismal depths of abyss, into the worldly affairs” 

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  • Author Ramana Pemmaraju
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    From language to no-language is the journey and certainly every master has to use lies to attract you, to make you aware of your mindlessness, your stupidity. That's why I tell you to relish this very moment, and when you squeeze out the juice of every moment, then you will realize that there is nothing worthy in this world, then for the first time you start turning IN-wards, not otherwise!” 

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  • Author Ramana Pemmaraju
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    Always remember it's never about the other, the whole effort is to find your true self 'through' the other. In fact whenever your focus shifts from YOU to the other, there is bondage which will result in pain and anguish. The other is just a medium through which you can reach your interiority. Never be obsessed for them, for that would lead to a self invited hell.” 

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  • Author Ramana Pemmaraju
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    Art is the medium through which you express the inexpressible, convey the unconveyable, transporting the audience in different realms of existence erasing their mental identities. Any effort by the artist to make an personal identity is detrimental in an artistic sense. Be Wiser, leave no residue, dissolve in ART!” 

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