136 Quotes About Financial-freedom

Financial-freedom Quotes By Author

  • Author ZoĆ« Cayetano
  • Quote

    Money is just simply a tool that exaggerates who you are. If you were already greedy and selfish, you're just going to get even more greedy and selfish with more wealth. On the flip side, if you are already generous and kind, you're just going to get even more generous and kind with it. It is simply a tool that lets you do more–whatever the more is.

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  • Author Hank Green
  • Quote

    You have to have enough before you can realise that more isn't going to make you much happier.That happens with audience, and that happens with money.And eventually you get to a point (and not everyone gets here), [where it's no longer about the audience or the money anymore and instead it turns to] "What's FUN though? What do I LIKE doing? What is the weird thing I can do that's interesting?

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