161 Quotes About Leisure

  • Author Josef Pieper
  • Quote

    Leisure is only possible when we are at one with ourselves. We tend to overwork as a means of self-escape, as a way of trying to justify our existence.

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  • Author Rutger Bregman
  • Quote

    Before long, machines would be doing all the work. This would free up “abundant scope for recreation,” enthused an English professor, “by immersion in the imaginative life, in art, drama, dance, and a hundred other ways of transcending the constraints of daily life.

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  • Author Theodor W. Adorno
  • Quote

    I have no hobby. As far as my activities beyond the bounds of my recognized profession are concerned, I take them all, without exception, very seriously. So much so, that I should be horrified by the idea that they had anything to do with hobbies—preoccupations in which I had become mindlessly infatuated in order to kill the time—had I not become hardened by experience to such examples of this now widespread, barbarous mentality.

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  • Author Friedrich A. Hayek
  • Quote

    For most of us the time we spend at our work is a large part of our whole lives, and as our job usually also determines the place where and the people among whom we live, some freedom in choosing our work is, probably, even more important for our happiness than freedom to spend our income during the hours of leisure.

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  • Author Louise Rich Dickinson
  • Quote

    Spare time, as I used to understand it, was the time left over from doing the necessary, unpleasant things, like correcting Sophomore English themes or washing out silk stockings in the bathroom. It was the time i frittered away on useless, entertaining pursuits, like the movies or contract bridge. Now almost everything I do - except cooking- is fun, and it is also useful. There is no line of demarcation between work and play. It makes it hard to explain what I do with my spare time.

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