54 Quotes About Superpower

Superpower Quotes By Author

  • Author Liz Faublas
  • Quote

    If the critics in general society only knew just how much women endure, tolerate, withstand, withhold, juggle, wish for, forgive, ignore, mask, understand and accept while wearing the heavy armor of strength, good nature, and courage, words such as weak, incapable and powerless would be stricken from any dialogue in which their qualities are being measured. lizfaublas.com

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  • Author Liz Faublas
  • Quote

    Women have a high threshold for pain and tough appetites. We bite our tongues, survive heartache, function on one last nerve, pull punches, eat crap, swallow our pride, beat ourselves up, shoulder responsibility while performing the back-breaking task of staying a step ahead while standing tall against everything so we don't fall for anything!

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  • Author Liz Faublas
  • Quote

    So, your nails are done, your hair is tight, and you have laid out a BOMB outfit for every day of the week! But your life is a hot mess. Finances in disarray got more shoes than savings, no plans for the future. Instead of organizing your closet, try "handling your business" on for size. The package isn't worth much if there's no substance to what's inside.

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  • Author Liz Faublas
  • Quote

    Stop pinning your hopes on others to elevate you. Stop looking to someone else for validation. Stop expecting another person to change your life or give you what you want. It’s your LIFE. Your goals. Your dreams. Your future. Go after it. Fight for it. Make it happen. Appreciate everyone who supports. Be grateful and humble always. But never forget, the only person that has your best interests at heart 100%, 24/7, 365, is you.

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