3 Quotes by A. White

  • Author A. White
  • Quote

    If you come across someone who isn’t cussing in the time of great anguish and distress then you’ve met the one causing everyone else to cuss.” ~ Shellyanna Tidwell Preston.Quote from the book “Shellyanna

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  • Author A. White
  • Quote

    When speaking of heritage. Not all of it is good and nor all of it is bad; for some people it isn’t all bad but for some of us; it’s all bad. But often not of the ancestors’ creation. But it’s your job as a person of your ancestors’ future is to evaluate it and select the good fruits and hold them dear but it’s also your responsibility to know when to have enough common sense to cast the bad ones out.~Bea Preston, from the book "Long May The Story Bea Told.

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