64 Quotes by A.S. Byatt

A.S. Byatt Quotes By Tag

  • Author A.S. Byatt
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    A metamorphosis... The shining butterfly of the soul from the pupa of the body. Larva, pupa, imago. An image of art.

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  • Author A.S. Byatt
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    Contemporary' was in those days [1953] synonymous with 'modern' as it had not been before and is not now [1977].

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  • Author A.S. Byatt
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    Those words . . . national and portrait. They were both to do with identity: the identity of a culture (place, language and history), the identity of an individual human being as an object for mimetic representation.

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  • Author A.S. Byatt
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    And she was angry because she knew she was capable of many things she couldn't even define to herself, so they seemed like bad dreams - that is what she told me. She told me she was eaten up with unused power and thought she might be a witch - except, she said, if she were a man, these things she thought about would be ordinarily acceptable.

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  • Author A.S. Byatt
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    …words have been all my life, all my life--this need is like the Spider's need who carries before her a huge Burden of Silk which she must spin out--the silk is her life, her home, her safety--her food and drink too--and if it is attacked or pulled down, why, what can she do but make more, spin afresh, design anew….

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