3 Quotes by Agnès Humbert

  • Author Agnès Humbert
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    Wanfried, 29 March 1945We have the compelling feeling that we are entering our final hours of captivity. They must have doubled our dose of bromide, as despite all our excitement we keep dozing off, heads on the table. Nobody tells us anything; they just warn us to keep quiet. There's no question of work any more, and we please ourselves how we spend our time. From the dormitory window we can see endless columns of refugees, both civilians and military ...

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  • Author Agnès Humbert
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    Wanfried, 31 March 1945There certainly don't seem to be any food shortages in town. All day long, we see women parading beneath our windows bearing aloft enormous tarts to cook in the baker's oven. Easter cakes, no doubt. We wonder whether we might be given a little extra to eat tomorrow, as our hunger is intolerable.

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  • Author Agnès Humbert
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    ... we know that the Americans are not far off, and everyone, Germans included, is longing for them to arrive. A Russian woman, the prison's unchallenged fount of all wisdom and general repository of all the latest 'news', has announced that they will be here for Easter. Easter falls on 1 April. Although it smacks a little of an April Fool's joke, her prophecy gains credence. The Americans will be here for Easter!

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