5 Quotes by Agnes Chew

  • Author Agnes Chew
  • Quote

    Were we all to create and curate a museum illustrating the essence of our beings, how might each one of these museums look like? Each article cradled within the museum’s walls, perceived through the eyes of the visitor as so plainly ordinary, in fact wields the power to evoke intense emotions redolent of lost loves, if we only ventured to uncover their stories.

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  • Author Agnes Chew
  • Quote

    One of the hardest things in life is the act of saying goodbye. If only it were as simple as saying goodbye for now, and see you again. Would it still be the same you I see, the next time we meet? Or the same me, for that matter? For to part with a person or place often also means having to say goodbye to a particular state of being or phase in you life.

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  • Author Agnes Chew
  • Quote

    I have a habit of being an archaeologist of my own past, a sentimental collector of personal artefacts which may at first glance appear random, but each of which holds a unique significance. As the years pass me by, I find that the number of objects within my possession begins to accumulate. A torn map. A sealed letter. A boat full of paper animals. Each item encapsulates within itself a story, akin to an outward manifestation of my inner journey.

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