4 Quotes by Alexander Bloom

  • Author Alexander Bloom
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    She has to be careful that she doesn't become her own road show, in which she becomes someone who goes around the country as an extraordinary person, in some ways.

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  • Author Alexander Bloom
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    Murdered children, child prodigies - those stories strike the population at a different level than stories of adults experiencing similar things. The same goes for young people at protests. There's a deeper impact when you see a kid confronting authority or risking arrest because of his beliefs.

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  • Author Alexander Bloom
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    There's an idealism starting to bubble up again. Today's kids aren't the materialist, MBA, Bonfire-of-the-Vanities types that you saw in the late 1980s and early 1990s. They're also not the weary, cynical types who think they can't do anything.

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