3 Quotes by Allie Roberts

  • Author Allie Roberts
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    I'm not a perfect girl my hair doesn't always stay in place and i spill things a lot I'm pretty clumsy and sometimes I have a broken heart my friends and I sometimes fight and maybe some days nothing goes right but when I think about it and take a step back and remember how beautiful life truly is and maybe just maybe I like being imperfect<3

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  • Author Allie Roberts
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    When a girl says "your beautiful" to a boy what she means by that is that she wants to be with you forever<3

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  • Author Allie Roberts
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    Having a long distance relation-ship isnt bad it just means your worth a lot to me. Yes i might miss you with all my heart but i will always love you. your in my heart forever and i trust you not to cheat on me while your miles and miles away

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