200 Quotes by Alyson Noel
Alyson Noel Quotes By Tag
- Author Alyson Noel
Rules should always be bent, if not broken. It's the only way to have any fun.
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- Author Alyson Noel
May you bring unconditional love and infinite peace.
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- Author Alyson Noel
Porque, Ever,la vida nopretende ser como un libro abierto.
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- Author Alyson Noel
But why didn't you just ask me?" I set down my fork and glare at her. "Because you were sleeping," She says, taking a sip if Chardonnay."I was taking a nap, Mom. It wasn't intended to be some kind of Disney fairy-tale hundred-year snooze.
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- Author Alyson Noel
Forgiveness is healing—everything is energy—thoughts create—we are all connected—what you resist persists—true love never dies—the soul’s immortality is the only true immortality—
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- Author Alyson Noel
Somewhere in the crowd was at least one potential friend who'd understand the fundamental value of goofing off.Because if not, how boring would that be?
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- Author Alyson Noel
She's kind of a, well, you know, a B with an itch.
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- Author Alyson Noel
You can’t go back, Ever. You can’t change the past. It just is. . . . This is our destiny. Not yours.
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- Author Alyson Noel
I’m always thinking about what I’m missing. Even when I’m happy with what I have.
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