200 Quotes by Alyson Noel
- Author Alyson Noel
Of course, I didn't kill them. They're just taking a little ... siesta, that's all.
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- Author Alyson Noel
Which is why I'd strongly caution you against scripting an ending that indulges your fears before you've had a chance to discover if they're even valid or real.
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- Author Alyson Noel
The fact is, the heart and mind aren't always friendly. And in my case, they're barely speaking.
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- Author Alyson Noel
Ever, we are not defined by our things. It's not the clothes we wear, the cars that we drive, the art we acquire - it's not where we live - but how we live that defines us. It's our actions that are remembered long after we're gone.
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- Author Alyson Noel
Ever, if I’ve learned nothing else in my six hundred years of living, it’s that people hate change almost as much as they hate for their beliefs to be challenged.
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- Author Alyson Noel
Nothing can rival the incredible rush the act of creation brings. Of crafting something you know is destined to be great for all time.
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- Author Alyson Noel
Does it really matter if I choose the bus over a BMW, and generic over Gucci? Because the car, the wardrobe, the zip code-those are just nouns, things that are fun to have around, sure, but in the end, they have nothing to do with the real me. Nothing to do with who I really am.
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- Author Alyson Noel
Δεν είναι αγάπη αυτού του είδους. Είναι η αληθινή αγάπη. Η αγάπη άνευ όρων. Η αγάπη που δεν κατακρίνει. Οχι η σωματική αγάπη. Σ'αγαπάω ως αδερφή ψυχή που κατοικεί στη γη. Σ' αγαπάω ως Αθάνατο. Σ' αγαπάω γιατί βαρέθηκα να σε μισώ, και αρνούμαι να συνεχίσω να το κάνω. Σ' αγαπάω γιατί καταλαβαίνω τελικά τι σε έκανε αυτό που είσαι. Και αν μπορούσα θα το άλλαζα. Αλλά δεν μπορώ. Έτσι, επιλέγω να σε αγαπώ. Και ελπίζω η αποδοχή μου να σε παρακινήσει να κάνεις κι εσύ κάτι καλό...
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- Author Alyson Noel
Damen's The One.Always has been.Always will be.
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