238 Quotes by Amos Oz
- Author Amos Oz
Because the dark, the parents said, the dark is full of things it is definitely better not to meet.
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- Author Amos Oz
Papa used to say that wealth is a sin and poverty is a punishment but that God apparently wants there to be no connection between the sin and the punishment. One man sins and another is punished. That's how the world is made.
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- Author Amos Oz
io, mio caro, non credo nell'amore universale. L'amore esiste in dosi modiche. Si possono amare forse cinque fra uomini e donne, dieci magari, talvolta financo quindici. E anche questo solo assai di rado. Ma se uno arriva e mi dice che ama tutto il Terzo mondo, o ama l'America Latina, o ama il sesso femminile, quello non è amore ma retorica. Pura demagogia. Slogan. Non siamo nati per amare più di una manciata di persone.
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- Author Amos Oz
L'amore è una faccenda intima strana e piena di contraddizioni, visto che non di rado amiamo qualcuno solo perchè amiamo noi stessi, per egoismo, avidità, desiderio fisico, brama di dominare l'oggetto d'amore e asservirlo; o al contrario, per desiderio di asservirci e essere dominati dal nostro amante, e in fondo l'amore assomiglia all'odio e gli è più prossimo di quanto non si pensi normalmente.
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- Author Amos Oz
Memory deludes me. I have just remembered something that I completely forgot after it happened. I remembered it again when I was about sixteen, and then I forgot it again. And this morning I remembered not the event itself but the previous recollection, which itself was more than forty years ago, as though an old moon were reflected in a windowpane from which it was reflected in a lake, from where memory draws not the reflection itself, which no longer exists, but only its whitened bones.
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- Author Amos Oz
All our tongues and cultures are constant shoplifters" from other tongues and cultures.
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- Author Amos Oz
„Człowiek podejrzliwy z natury wystawiony jest na nieszczęście. Podejrzliwość jest jak kwas, trawi naczynie, w którym się znajduje, pożera tego, kto ją żywi: dniem i nocą strzec się całego rodzaju ludzkiego, nieustannie głowić się nad tym, jak uniknąć intryg i udaremnić spiski, jakiego użyć fortelu, żeby z daleka dostrzec zastawioną na niego sieć – to wszystko są korzenie wszelkiej szkody. To one nie dają człowiekowi żyć.
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- Author Amos Oz
Life is made up of different avenues. Everything can happen in one of several ways, according to different musical scores and parallel logics. Each of these parallel logics is consistent and coherent on its own terms, perfect in itself, indifferent to all the others.
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- Author Amos Oz
Se dijo que todo lo que a él le parecía importante no lo era realmente y que en todo lo que realmente era importante no tenía tiempo de pensar. La vida pasaba sin reflexionar apenas sobre las cosas sencillas y grandes, la soledad, la nostalgia, el deseo y la muerte.
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