226 Quotes About Jewish
Jewish Quotes By Author
- Author Thomas Paine
I do not believe in the creed professed by the Jewish church, by the Roman church, by the Greek church, by the Turkish church, by the Protestant church, nor by any church that I know of. My own mind is my own church.All national institutions of churches, whether Jewish, Christian, or Turkish, appear to me no other than human inventions set up to terrify and enslave mankind, and monopolize power and profit.
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- Author Bracha Goetz
I love to help children's souls shine.
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- Author ميخائيل نعيمة
ويقيني أَن المسيح لو عاد اليوم إلى الأَرض لَلَقي على يد أَحبار المسيحية ويد السلطة الزمنية أَبشع مما لقيه من يد أَحبار اليهودية ويد السلطة الرومانية َ ميخائيل نعيمة
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- Author Doreen Orion
In WASP families, if you don't get along with someone, you have as little to do with them as possible. In Jewish families, you move next door, to make them as miserable as possible.
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- Author Sudhir Ahluwalia
Jewish texts compare the knowable universe to the size of a mustard seed. Similar association between God and man made in Quran, Buddhism.
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- Author Joseph Telushkin
Whoever cannot survive without taking charity, such as an old, sick, or greatly suffering individual, but who stubbornly refuses to accept aid, is guilty of murdering himself…yet one who needs charity but postpones taking it and lives in deprivation so as to not trouble the community, shall live to provide for others." —Rabbi Joseph Karo (1488–1575), Shulkhan Arukh (The Code of Jewish Law), Yoreh Deah 255:2
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- Author Kay Goodstadt
Fidelity is a living, breathing entity. On wobbly footing, it can wander, becoming something different entirely.
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- Author Mordecai Kaplan
By becoming aware of that fact [that is, daily creation], we must gear our own lives to this creative urge in the universe and discover within ourselves unsuspected powers of the spirit.
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- Author Wendy Mogel
The sages advise us to study Torah lishma-"for its own sake" rather than to impress others with our scholarship. A paradox of parenting is that if we love our children for their own sake rather than for their achievements, it's more likely that they will reach their true potential.
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