4 Quotes by Andrey Bely

  • Author Andrey Bely
  • Quote

    He returned to his seat and sat down; the road is so long, so long; he had to get through these spaces where stations clustered about the track amidst the black night like some black coffin set with candles. He thought that minute was flying after minute, mile after mile, everything was moving — even he was moving — but to where?("Adam")

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  • Author Andrey Bely
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    Tahtahta-ha-ha' clattered the wheels. A lamp outside the window nodded to him. Another. A third. The lamps ceased to wink. Night without winking clung to the windows.("Adam")

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  • Author Andrey Bely
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    Adam Antonovich went out of the annex which as a child he had called the 'world.' Through the glass he shouted jokingly to his servant 'You are still in the "world" but I'm not in the world, I'm in Russia.'The hunchbacked plains spread out on every side, Russian plains, eaten away by ravines, ancient, native, all — all just the same. 'With the mind, Russia cannot be embraced; she is a special case, one can only believe in Russia,' he thought...("Adam")

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  • Author Andrey Bely
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    Adam Antonovich's father was a tubby tyrant with a triple chin and chinks where his eyes should have been. All his life he had amassed money. In old age he had exchanged it for space; his estates grew, grew and swelled.("Adam")

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