6 Quotes by Arielle Ford

  • Author Arielle Ford
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    When the Japanese mend broken objects, they fill the cracks with gold. They believe that when something’s suffered damage and has a history it becomes more beautiful. – Barbara Bloom.

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  • Author Arielle Ford
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    Ring the bells that still can ring; forget your perfect offering. There is a crack in everything; that’s how the light gets in.

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  • Author Arielle Ford
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    Just as a seed grows with the warmth of the sun, so our positive qualities grow when we put our attention on them.

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  • Author Arielle Ford
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    Many energy workers believe we leave energetic hooks in people with whom we’ve been intimate. These can be positive hooks – such as the bond formed during a romantic first kiss – or they can be negative hooks, such as the emotional wounds that are left following a breakup or a big blowout of a fight. These energetic hooks are electromagnetic connections between people through which thoughts, emotions, and energy continue to flow back and forth.

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  • Author Arielle Ford
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    The happier we are, the more easily we draw to us everything we want. Every moment of every day, we are sending out energetic signals that are felt by the people around us. This explains why a desperate person draws to himself or herself more desperation, while a person who is already fulfilled becomes a magnet for greater fulfillment.

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