22 Quotes by Ashley Weaver

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  • Author Ashley Weaver
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    This was the last thing we needed. I was sure we made quite a pair, me in my evening gown and Milo in his bloodstained shirt. 'Let's hurry to the car, Milo.' I made a move to descend the front steps, ready to push my way through the crowd, but Milo stopped me with a hand on my arm.'Just a moment, darling.''What is it?''Let's give them something to put in the gossip columns first, shall we?' And he pulled me to him and kissed me thoroughly in the blinding glare of the flashbulbs.

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  • Author Ashley Weaver
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    In the meantime, the porter's gone. How much time until we reach our next stop?'I glanced at my wristwatch, an absurd fluttery feeling in my stomach. 'Nearly an hour.''Excellent,' he said, lowering his mouth again to mine. 'Let's make the most of it.'And so we did.

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  • Author Ashley Weaver
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    I had always prided myself on my independence, but at that moment what I longed for was someone with whom I could talk and share my troubles. It was in moments like these that I felt the hollowness of my marriage the keenest. In those whirlwind days of my courtship I had failed to take into account the fact that storms of life called for stronger stuff than the easy flow of smooth endearments and witty banter.

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  • Author Ashley Weaver
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    He waved a hand. 'Never mind. It doesn't matter. Perhaps I did look guilty there for a while. In any event, it was interesting being the prime suspect for a moment or two.''If only we'd confided in one another,' I said. 'But we've never been very good at that, have we?''It could be worse. At least you've never tried to drown me in my bathtub.'I let out a sound that was some cross between a laugh and a sigh. 'Do be serious, Milo.

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  • Author Ashley Weaver
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    Lord Dunmore reacted as though he was caught removing another man's wife's stocking every evening. Then again, perhaps he was.

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  • Author Ashley Weaver
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    And so we find ourselves at the scene of another murder," Milo said, coming back to the sitting area. He didn't seem much troubled by the fact, for he lit another cigarette and settled back into his chair. I couldn't help but think that he looked particularly content.

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