37 Quotes by Bashar

  • Author Bashar
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    People who are saying that they are afraid of heights are usually not actually afraid of heights. They are afraid of falling, which means it's a synonym for losing control.So they have to get in touch with the definitional belief to find out what's really going on.

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  • Author Bashar
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    The greatest gift creation has given to all of you is that life is fundamentally meaningless. That means it has no built-in meaning.What that also means is, you were designed to give it the meaning you prefer to give it. And the meaning you give it will utterly determine how you experience it.

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  • Author Bashar
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    Achievement is living your life to the fullest. Being you as best as you can.And the way you do that is by acting on your highest excitement.That's it. That's your purpose in life; that's your mission; that's the highest achievement; is to be you, the true you, as fully as you can and enjoy the ride. That's it.

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  • Author Bashar
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    [Excitement is] your true vibration. It's your body's translation of the frequency of your True Core Being. That's why [our biggest teaching is: "Follow your Highest Excitement" in life]. Because that means when you act on it you're in alignment with yourself. It's the compass needle pointing to your magnetic north.

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