37 Quotes by Bashar

  • Author Bashar
  • Quote

    Surrendering is not the giving up of something. True surrender is the total acceptance of yourself.You're not 'losing' anything in the surrender, the way your society usually means that word. You are not giving up anything in the sense of loss. Surrender means to open up: Open up to your total self; to give in and let go of the things you think you're supposed to be. Just be who you are. It will see you through.

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  • Author Bashar
  • Quote

    It's so important to identify beliefs.Because once you identify [a negative belief], once you bring it into the light, you will see it doesn't belong to you:- That it came from your parents; - It came from your family;- It came from your society; - It came from your friends.And you bought into it. But it isn't yours.Holding on to something that isn't yours is called theft.Don't be a belief thief!Let go of what isn't yours.

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