177 Quotes by Becky Chambers

Becky Chambers Quotes By Tag

  • Author Becky Chambers
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    The scrib brightened. An image appeared, and in an instant, there was no air in the room, no floor beneath her. She would have fallen had she not been sitting. And even so, she still felt like she was falling, but now, there was a warm pair of arms that would catch her at the end, a warm pair of arms she'd always imagined but could never feel.'Oh,' Pepper choked. 'Oh, stars--

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  • Author Becky Chambers
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    A moth was a caterpillar, once, but it no longer is a caterpillar. It cannot break itself back down, cannot metamorphose in reverse. To try to eat leaves again would mean starvation. Crawling back into the husk would provide no shelter. It is a paradox – the impossibility of reclaiming that which lies behind, housed within a form comprised entirely of the repurposed pieces of that same past. We exist where we begin, yet to remain there is death.

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  • Author Becky Chambers
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    I'll never understand how the rest of you expect brand-new adults to be able to teach kids how to be people.

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