177 Quotes by Becky Chambers

  • Author Becky Chambers
  • Quote

    To some Humans, the promise of a patch land was worth any effort. It was an oddly predictable sort of behavior. Humans had a long, storied history of forcing their way into places where they didn’t belong.

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  • Author Becky Chambers
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    The ache to return to a time long gone was almost worse than fear.

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  • Author Becky Chambers
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    In many ways, the idea of a shared stock of genes drifting through the galaxy is far easier to accept than the daunting notion that none of us may ever have the intellectual capacity to understand how life truly works.

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  • Author Becky Chambers
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    Jack is a swagger, a wink, a final aced even though he’s never been to class, a joint smoked in bed after a day in the field, a rock climbed and an ocean swum.

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  • Author Becky Chambers
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    There are few better ways to get to know how a species thinks than to learn their art.

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  • Author Becky Chambers
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    It’s understandable why humans stopped living in space in the 2020s. How can you think of the stars when the seas are spilling over? How can you spare thought for alien ecosystems when your cities are too hot to inhabit? How can you trade fuel and metal and ideas when the lines on every map are in flux? How can anyone be expected to care about the questions of worlds above when the questions of the world you’re stuck on – the most vital criteria of home and health and safety – remain unanswered?

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