177 Quotes by Becky Chambers

  • Author Becky Chambers
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    The thing is, a lot of laws are stupid, too, and they don't always keep people out of danger.

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  • Author Becky Chambers
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    So many ships. So many ideas within them. How do they do it, I wonder? How do they achieve harmony, knowing that false notions walk beside them?'Toum said nothing.Hiul brought more leaves to her mouth. 'I do not believe that they do. I believe they exist in chaos, each following their own ideas, each serving a clan of one.

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  • Author Becky Chambers
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    Rosemary started to nod, then shook her head. "Thats not the same. What happened to you, to your species, it's ... it doesn't even compare.""Why? Because it's worse?"She nodded."But it still compares. If you have a fractured bone, and I've broken every bone in my body, does that make your fracture go away? Does it hurt you any less, knowing that I am in more pain?

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  • Author Becky Chambers
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    Pepper rolled her eyes. 'Most sapients confuse working hard with being miserable... Seriously, anybody working in a job that doesn't let you take a nap when you need to should get a new job. Present company excluded, of course.''Are naps good?''Naps are fucking great.

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  • Author Becky Chambers
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    Jane 23 did not understand what she was seeing. On the other side of the wall, there were not more walls. There were huge piles of scrap, but far away, and the floor in between her and them didn't look like any floor she'd ever seen. Above them, there was a... a ceiling. But not a ceiling. It didn't look touchable. She couldn't explain it. There was a ceiling that wasn't a ceiling, and it was blue. Just blue, for a long, long way. Blue for ever.

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  • Author Becky Chambers
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    Um, right, okay. Have you taken any courses in interspatial manipulation? Probably not, huh?”“Can’t say that I have.”“Space-time topology?”“Nope.”“Transdimensional theory?”Rosemary made an apologetic face.“Aww!” said Kizzy, clasping her hands over her heart. “You’re a physics virgin!

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  • Author Becky Chambers
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    We hail from systems that remained self-contained for billions of years, with evolutionary clocks that all began at different times. How is it possible that when meeting our galactic neighbours for the first time, we are all instantly reminded of creatures back home - or in some cases, of ourselves?

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