59 Quotes by Berkeley Breathed
- Author Berkeley Breathed
I drew the last image ever of Opus at midnight while Puccini was playing and I got rather stupid. Thirty years. A bit like saying goodbye to a child - which is ironic because I was never, never sentimental about him as many of his fans were.
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- Author Berkeley Breathed
I ignore Hallmark Holidays. And this comes from a guy who has sold a million Opus greeting cards.
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- Author Berkeley Breathed
Bloom County was set in a tidy, rural environment probably because of Harper Lee's 'To Kill a Mockingbird.'
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- Author Berkeley Breathed
Cartooning is about deconstruction: you gotta tear something down to make a joke.
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- Author Berkeley Breathed
I can say that even in the midst of my most cynical comic stripping: Opus shone through with a bit of heart, anchoring the ugly proceedings with a comforting pull of emotion.
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- Author Berkeley Breathed
I'll confess right here that I secretly wish I'd have drawn a strip about a little boy with a fake tiger, going for adventures throughout the universe in spaceships of his imagination.
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- Author Berkeley Breathed
I knew 'Mars Needs Moms! ' would be a movie seconds after the title came to mind. Similarly, I also knew that my daughter would be calling me a dork as a default term of endearment eventually.
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- Author Berkeley Breathed
If nothing is serious anymore, then there's nothing to satirize.
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- Author Berkeley Breathed
If I could have drawn a cat yelling for lasagna every day for 15 years and have them pay me $30 million to do so, I would have.
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