30 Quotes by Brett Stevens

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  • Author Brett Stevens
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    Social Darwinism, or the idea that those who are the best and smartest earn the most money, has two holes: first, not all intelligent people opt to chase the money wagon and second, most morons are greedy, and many of them succeed through luck or persistence.

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  • Author Brett Stevens
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    Nihilism conditions us to actualize ourselves. It denies nothing of the inherent meaning to existence, and does not create a false "objective" reality based on our perceptions of what we wish did exist. Instead, it charges us to choose what we wish existed, and to work toward making it occur in reality.

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  • Author Brett Stevens
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    Effective thinkers and leaders create their own facts, their reason is founded on occult principles that they're not interested in justifying to midwit fact-worshipers and they re-write the rules of social and political logic, which don't even apply to human action in the first place.

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  • Author Brett Stevens
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    Democracy is to government as television is to life. It's a sick pornography of existence, distilling the wide range of experience into a few pre-prepared options, with people engaging in the process more to feel important about themselves than to get anything done. When it's time to really find a survey about something unimportant, like what color we paint the city hall, by all means take a vote - who cares what the outcomes is.

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  • Author Brett Stevens
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    You cannot "educate" people; education does not improve moral character and congenital intelligence. You can show them things, and if they find meaning in them, they'll adapt to their own lifestyle and purpose. It's like eating: you take in food, break it down, and it becomes part of you where you can use it. The rest goes into the carrot patch, and might feed something else.

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  • Author Brett Stevens
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    Meritocracy - the idea of making people jump through hoops to gain approval, instead of merely doing it by mob rule. While this is a good start, any institution will inevitably be corrupted and shift the goal posts to reward those who are rote memorization fans or otherwise obedient and successful within a narrow scope (“useful idiots”), but not necessarily effective at life.

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  • Author Brett Stevens
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    Marriage is the commitment to make a lifetime of a love, as one will most probably be creating new life forms merged of the parents. Love is what happens when one finds someone else one respects enough to wish literally union in the form of one's irreplaceable time and possibly spawn. If you look at the process of breeding, it's quite romantic: We work, so let Another be made of Us.

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  • Author Brett Stevens
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    While Christians divide sex into a linear good/bad, it makes more sense to divide it into realistic and non realistic, and people who are either obsessed with avoiding sex, or with cheapening it, are both insane.

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