71 Quotes by Caleb Carr

  • Author Caleb Carr
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    She has that quality, does the Hudson, as I imagine all great rivers do: the deep, abiding sense that those activities what take place on shore among human beings are of the moment, passing, and aren't the stories by way of which the greater tale of this planet will, in the end, be told.

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  • Author Caleb Carr
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    And so the new century will bring a new kind of law,' was how Mr. Picton summed things up.....'Proceedings where victims and witnesses are put on trial instead of defendants, where a murderer in identified as 'a woman' instead of an individual....If things go on like this we'll find ourselves in some shadow world, where lawyers use the ignorance of the average citizen to manipulate justice the way priests did in the Middle ages.

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  • Author Caleb Carr
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    Maybe memory was just a wicked curse, and the kind of mind what could wipe out painful recollections a blessing. Maybe .....

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  • Author Caleb Carr
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    most men consider their rationally selected actions are in fact idiosyncratic responses that have grown strong enough, through repeated use, to overpower other urges and reactions—that have won, in other words, the mental battle for survival.

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  • Author Caleb Carr
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    P198 Describe John Moore’s brother’s death: but at heart I believe now, as I believed then, that it was essentially the result of growing up in a household, and a world, where emotional expression of any kind was at best frowned on and at worst strangled. Unfortunately, I’d stated this opinion during the funeral, and was nearly forced into an asylum as a result.

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  • Author Caleb Carr
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    P252 Habit dooms us all to fight out the battle of life upon the lines of our nurture or our early choice, and to make the best of a pursuit that disagrees, because there is no other for which we are fitted, and it is too late to begin again.

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