35 Quotes by Caroline Fredrickson

  • Author Caroline Fredrickson
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    We're concerned because it's part of a general trend in this administration. Far as we know, it's possible that they are like many other Americans - being spied on.

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  • Author Caroline Fredrickson
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    It is clear that this illegal program violates our Constitution and laws governing surveillance. The president's false choice between securing our nation and preserving our Constitution must be rejected. Congress has an obligation to determine the truth, especially since the administration is unwilling to check itself. Hearings like this help ensure steps are taken so the rule of law is respected by all, even the president.

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  • Author Caroline Fredrickson
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    Lawmakers must not forget their oaths and disregard the administration's infringement of average Americans' constitutional rights. The White House has repeatedly admitted to the use of warrant-less wiretaps and has yet to be held accountable. Checks and balances on presidential power are essential to protect the rights of Americans.

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  • Author Caroline Fredrickson
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    Our government is based upon a separation of powers and a system of checks and balances. The actions taken by the president undermine the very foundations of our country. We urge the relevant Congressional committees to investigate how the president abused his power as our chief executive. We applaud Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Arlen Specter for committing to hold oversight hearings. The American people deserve to know the truth.

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  • Author Caroline Fredrickson
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    We must protect women's access to the full range of reproductive health services. The 'Freedom of Choice Act' puts women's health and not politics first. Lawmakers should adopt this much-needed proposal.

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  • Author Caroline Fredrickson
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    The president cannot use the pursuit of national security as a carte blanche to undermine the very freedoms that define America. This administration - like that of President Nixon - has apparently secretly adopted a legal view of the Executive Branch's power that is unbounded. A commitment to the Constitution and our laws demand an independent investigation.

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  • Author Caroline Fredrickson
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    The Patriot Act debate is far from over, and we will continue to fight for reforms to protect civil liberties. While Congress failed to adopt much-needed reforms to the law to better protect freedom and privacy, lawmakers also rejected pressure from the White House to include significant and unwarranted expansions of government power. We applaud those fair-minded lawmakers that have fought to bring the law in line with the Constitution, and together, we will continue to push for reforms to keep America safe and free.

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  • Author Caroline Fredrickson
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    The executive power of our country is not an imperial power. The president has demonstrated a dangerous disregard for our Constitution and our laws with his authorization for this illegal program.

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