13 Quotes by Charles M. Sheldon
- Author Charles M. Sheldon
Somehow I get puzzled when I see so many Christians living in luxury and singing 'Jesus, I my cross have taken, all to leave and follow Thee,' and remember how my wife died in a tenement in New York City, gasping for air and asking God to take the little girl too. Of course I don't expect you people can prevent every one from dying of starvation, lack of proper nourishment and tenement air, but what does following Jesus mean?
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- Author Charles M. Sheldon
Somehow I get puzzled when I see so many Christians living in luxury and singing 'Jesus, I my cross have taken, all to leave and follow Thee,' and remember how my wife died in a tenement in New York City, gasping for air and asking God to take the little girl too. Of course Idon't expect you people can prevent every one from dying of starvation, lack of proper nourishmentand tenement air, but what does following Jesus mean?
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- Author Charles M. Sheldon
Good resolutions are like babies crying in church. They should be carried out immediately.
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- Author Charles M. Sheldon
What is it to be a follower of Jesus? What does it mean to imitate Him? What does it mean to walk in His steps?
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- Author Charles M. Sheldon
Πόσο θα 'θελα να φωνάξω σ' όλους που είναι όμοιοι με μένα: Μη ζείτε για το σώμα. Θυμηθείτε πως η ψυχή, που τη λησμονάτε τις ώρες των διασκεδάσεν, δε μπορεί να πεθάνει μέσα σας.
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- Author Charles M. Sheldon
Σχεδόν όλοι μας ζούμε χωρίς να υπολογίζουμε τις καταστροφές και τα τυχαία γεγονότα. Αυτά πάντα μας κλονίζουν. Και όμως είναι δυνατό, ο άνθρωπος, ο αληθινά πιστός, να ζει κάθε μέρα τόσο κοντά στο Θεό, ώστε κανένα απροσδόκητο γεγονός ή συμφορά να μην αλλάξει τα αισθήματα και τις αντιλήψεις του για τη ζωή.
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- Author Charles M. Sheldon
Εύκολα και πρόθυμα κατακρίνουμε τους άλλους, όμως πολύ λίγο εξετάζουμε τον εαυτό μας. Και, το χειρότερο, είμαστε πάντα έτοιμοι ν' αυτοδικαιωθούμε.
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- Author Charles M. Sheldon
Must Jesus bear the cross alone And all the world go free? No, there’s a cross for every one, And there’s a cross for me.
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- Author Charles M. Sheldon
Our Christianity loves its ease and comfort too well to take up anything so rough and heavy as a cross. And.
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