9 Quotes by Charlie Caruso

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  • Author Charlie Caruso
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    It has been said already, but bears repeating: no blanket statement can sum up an entire group of people. No book, no chapter, no study, no research report can attempt to do that either. Instead, Understanding Y attempts to start a conversation - one that we hope will delve a little deeper and dispel some commonly held assumptions about Generation Y, a conversation that we hope is the first of many.

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  • Author Charlie Caruso
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    The Kony campaign us an example of how powerful 'slacktivisim' can be, and demonstrates that, with enough worldwide awareness and social pressure, movements like this one have the power to make politicians move. It also makes the ignorant less so. No-one knew who Kony was before the campaign. The atrocities were happening, and it wasn't even a blip on the social consciousness radar. It's encouraging that there's a way to spread information like this so quickly.

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  • Author Charlie Caruso
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    The human compulsion to group people and objects together was ingrained in our being since we evolved. We need to group things, group the dangerous and unknown from the 'safe to eat' or the 'it won't eat you' categories. Without the ability to categorise these threats, our ancestors wouldn't have survived.

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  • Author Charlie Caruso
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    The vast majority of Gen Y are lucky; we have been raised to handle, even embrace change, It's something we srive for, and something that we feel we have the ability to create ourselves. We might not always suceed in creating the change we seek; but we're committed to continue trying.

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