46 Quotes by Chris J. Gregas

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  • Author Chris J. Gregas
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    You can control what you focus on. And you’ll get better results if you focus on what you can control. The wind is always changing, and all sails need frequent adjustment. You can’t read a couple books on personal development and expect permanent change. There is no such thing as set-it-and-forget-it, so check yourself early and often. This will ensure that your sail is firmly in place for bonified success and favor. After all, that is the name of the game, isn’t it?

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  • Author Chris J. Gregas
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    Remind yourself that people are watching you. They are observing ever so secretly your attitude and why you do what you’re doing more than what you are doing. At the end of the day, people buy because they believe you, trust you and like you. Notice there is little about the words we craft or the speed we travel. The best gift we could give ourselves is a mirror. Taking a hard look at our attitude and improving it may be the single most important thing we can do to turn a mess into a message.

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  • Author Chris J. Gregas
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    You cannot change the power of the wind, but you can set your sail in a way that will compel you to your port much more quickly and accurately. Business success is a process. Converting prospects takes time and the continual practice of planting wheat is always a challenge in a world where taking time and exhibiting patience are passing away. It is always a good day to make a change.

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  • Author Chris J. Gregas
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    Refuse any longer to grieve what might have been. There is another bus running shortly and that bus might be the greatest ride you have had to date in your business career. Don’t miss out on the blessing ahead because you are enamored with the curse of yesterday or last year. It isn’t worth it and besides, business opportunities are all around us. We just must be ready at the stop to get on and ride it to our destination. You know -the place where you may just become famous.

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  • Author Chris J. Gregas
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    Be reminded that dreaming and hoping is not the same as scheming and working. Working for the sake of it will not insure you of success but purposeful, meaningful work will help you move the needle towards what you want for you and your family. When is the last time you “sweat” in the process? When is the last time you worked a few hours more than all those in your company? When is “hustle” more to be desired than pacing yourself?

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  • Author Chris J. Gregas
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    Drill down on what it means to be simple and clear about what you want and what you want for others. If people can’t see it and if people don’t want it, then you can do magic before them and they will just yawn and carry on. 1-2-3 is the mantra that we carry because when we keep duplicatable, we attract success and that is the goal for all of us who call ourselves “business professionals.” Keep the main thing the main thing and all will be well.

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  • Author Chris J. Gregas
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    Laziness and average are not the pedigree of an overcoming business specialist. You will be counting pennies for a long time as long as you are interested in BIG before you put great effort into SMALL, but MEANINGFUL steps. Make it your aim today to be a “champion” in the making. You are not going to be hoisted up on the podium this afternoon, but inch by inch, small but meaningful decision multiplied will get you to where you want to be and beyond. Don’t you dare despise small beginnings.

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  • Author Chris J. Gregas
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    Begin with the end in mind. What you do today must have more than a shelf life. It must be memorable because, at the end of the day, people buy US first. Right? When you have a plan to live for another day instead of just making a sale, then you will have a long road in a success direction. What do you want to be remembered for? Start to build or bolster your resume today while there is time.

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  • Author Chris J. Gregas
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    Failure in any arena is not final and it need not be fatal. It is another opportunity to learn something valuable that is going to make you more valuable in the marketplace. Isn’t that really what it’s all about? God never wastes experiences in our lives, and we shouldn’t either. Get back on the horse. He’s waiting to transport you to new worlds.

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