206 Quotes by Christina Baker Kline
- Author Christina Baker Kline
Before we leave the gravesite, Mary sings Mother's favorite gospel hymn ...Mary's lovely voice rises and lingers in the air, and by the end of the song most of us are crying. I am too, though I still don't know what those stars are meant to represent. My mistake, I suppose, is in thinking they should mean something.
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- Author Christina Baker Kline
It's as if she assumes everything will go right, and when it doesn't - which, of course, is pretty often - she is surprised and affronted.
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- Author Christina Baker Kline
My heart is shattered, an all that's left are jagged shards.
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- Author Christina Baker Kline
I have come to think that's where Heaven is, a place in the memories of other where our best selves live
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- Author Christina Baker Kline
As with Dutchy and Carmine on the train, this little cluster of women has become a kind of family to me. Like an abandoned foal that nestles against cows in the barnyard, maybe I just need to feel the warmth of belonging. And if I'm not going to find that with the Byrnes, I will find it, however partial and illusory, with the women in the sewing room.
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- Author Christina Baker Kline
Jack would laugh if he knew, but she's been in he system long enough to understand that it all comes down to documentation. Get your papers in order, with the right signatures and record keeping, and the charges will be dropped, money released, whatever. If you're disorganized, you risk losing everything.
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- Author Christina Baker Kline
I couldn't have imagined how much more there was to lose.
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- Author Christina Baker Kline
People have to snatch at happiness when they can, in this world. It is always easier to lose than to find...
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- Author Christina Baker Kline
It's hard to say what's in my head. It's been a long time since anyone cared to ask.
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