206 Quotes by Christina Baker Kline
- Author Christina Baker Kline
I read once that the act of observing changes the nature of what is observed.
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- Author Christina Baker Kline
I think you're used to being observed but not really ... seen.
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- Author Christina Baker Kline
It was pouring earlier, great sheets of rain, and now the clouds outside the window are crystal tipped like mountain peaks in the sky, rays emanating downward like an illustration in a children's bible.
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- Author Christina Baker Kline
Something inexorable seeds itself in the place of your origin. You can never escape the bonds of family history, no matter how far you travel.
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- Author Christina Baker Kline
Something in his manner makes me want to confide things to him I've never told anyone. Even painful things, shameful things. I didn't know how badly I wanted to share them.
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- Author Christina Baker Kline
Look, I don't mean to be rude, but you could never have a normal life, even if that's what you thought you wanted. You and me, we're not 'normal.
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- Author Christina Baker Kline
You have to try to take what life throws at you with grace and equanimity.
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- Author Christina Baker Kline
The twists and turns of your life can be so unexpected, and that's a good thing to learn.
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- Author Christina Baker Kline
For a few years, skeins of yarn piled up in baskets around the house. There weren't enough humans in my mother's orbit to wear all the scarves and sweaters and hats she knitted. And then, as suddenly as she started, she lost interest, leaving needles still entwined in half-finished fragments.
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