20 Quotes by Christopher Hawke
Christopher Hawke Quotes By Tag
- Author Christopher Hawke
I wept for relationships not possible due to denial and dreams locked in the back of people’s minds, all of the bits of life that lay dormant until the babblings of televisions and nursing homes sweep them away. It makes me wonder how many of the dreams we had originally have already been forgotten.
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- Author Christopher Hawke
Sometimes you don't need to change what you're looking at only get a better view.
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- Author Christopher Hawke
First, come to the point where you realize you are alone, completely and utterly alone in the vastness of the universe and all of time.Then realize you are not alone. Look back on your life and see the people who stood by you. There were some. Realize the God of your understanding cares.
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- Author Christopher Hawke
Such a profound occurrence, when the priorities of those in our lives shine so brightly a path away from who we once thought they were. This light sears insights onto us and helps us along our way. I wonder at times if my old friend hope is my only. She is a relentless presence who will never cease to be--a lone wanderer meeting me time and time again along this road.
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- Author Christopher Hawke
We’d all lost ourselves and found something far more significant together. We reached with gaping wounds for a healing we desired so badly, like a blind man picturing the world around him—the lively children skipping rope, green grass, blue sky. It’s like that man standing in his vision, rising from the park bench, arms outstretched, taking the first steps into a world he only hopes exists.
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- Author Christopher Hawke
The real world reveals itself like surprise gifts on our doorstep, special moments that seem above and beyond the reality of others. These times are full, beautiful and meaningful beyond words, even when wrapped in pain.
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- Author Christopher Hawke
Awakening your spiritual self is like having a second childhood with faulty parents, broken bones and proverbial brussel sprouts.
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- Author Christopher Hawke
The earth is an orbiting speck in incomprehensible vastness. The histories of our civilizations, our accomplishments and secrets, great good and evil—these are no more significant than the single twinkle of a star. Perhaps, this is why we try to outshine the heavens with our cities and make theatrical events of our simple lives.
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- Author Christopher Hawke
How shallow to presume war exists only within the physical world. Battles are waged for mind and soul, where things far from comprehension are confronted.
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