76 Quotes by Clement of Alexandria

Clement of Alexandria Quotes By Tag

  • Author Clement of Alexandria
  • Quote

    Do not think that we say that these things are only to be received by faith, but also that they are to be asserted by reason. For indeed it is not safe to commit these things to bare faith without reason, since assuredly truth cannot be without reason.

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  • Author Clement of Alexandria
  • Quote

    What reason is there in the law's prohibiting a man from "wearing woman's clothing?" Is it not that it would have us to be manly, and to be effeminate neither in person and actions, nor in thought and word ? For it would have the man, that devotes himself to the truth, to be masculine both in acts of endurance and patience, in life, conduct, word, and discipline by night and by day; even if the necessity were to occur, of witnessing by the shedding of his blood.

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  • Author Clement of Alexandria
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    Wherefore also Cleanthes, in the second book, On Pleasure, says that Socrates everywhere teaches that the just man and the happy are one and the same, and execrated the first man who separated the just from the useful, as having done an impious thing. For those are in truth impious who separate the useful from that which is right' according to the law.

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  • Author Clement of Alexandria
  • Quote

    Amasser sans cesse, et ne faire part à personne de ce que l'on possède, c'est mettre le grain dans un tonneau percé, c'est se causer mille maux, c'est se ruiner et se perdre. Rien n'est plus digne surtout de ridicule et de mépris que de satisfaire les nécessités honteuses de la nature dans des vases d'or et d'argent, comme ces femmes riches et fières que leur sot orgueil accompagne jusque sur leur chaise percée.

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