56 Quotes by D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones
D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones Quotes By Tag
- Author D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones
Let not your heart be troubled: …believe in God.” Yes—the God of the Old Testament, the God of the promises, the God of the covenants, the God of whom it is said, “When my father and my mother forsake me, then the Lord will take me up” (Ps 27:10). This is the same God who has told mankind from the beginning that His desire was to bless them, and to give them peace and joy, and to have them as His children. Trust Him…
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- Author D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones
I will not glory, even in my orthodoxy, for even that can be a snare if I make a god of it... Let us rejoice in Him in all His fulness and in Him alone.
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- Author D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones
There is nothing more wonderful than when you have been hiding yourself from Him, as it were, afraid to look at Him, but at last in desperation you just have to look up, and you see the most surprising thing you have ever seen. There is a look of love. There is a look of compassion and of mercy and of pity and of welcome, and you see the great invitation, “Come!” And you go back to Him filled with ‘joy unspeakable and full of glory’.
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- Author D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones
It is possible for a Christian to be perfectly orthodox and yet to be defeated, and to be living a defeated and a useless life.
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- Author D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones
The cross of Christ justifies God; He remains holy because He has punished sin in the death, the shed blood, of His Son.
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- Author D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones
To preach grace and truth to people who have never known condemnation is absolutely fatal.
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- Author D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones
Now many evanglical people have encouraged a disregard for the law. They say 'Don't preach the law any longer. Don't condemn, don't denounce, just say "Come to Christ."' So they have been aiding and abetting this whole tendency to do away with law, which leads to modern chaos.
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- Author D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones
We must never allow ourselves to feel condemned. The Christian must never be the dejected in this sense. We are told to examine ourselves. You may say that if you could have in yourself you will feel very miserable. Quite right. But the point is, you must not stay in your misery.
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- Author D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones
We must never allow ourselves to feel condemned. The Christian must never be dejected in this sense. We are told to examine ourselves. You may say that if you could have in yourself you will feel very miserable. Quite right. But the point is, you must not stay in your misery.
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