144 Quotes by Daniel Clowes

  • Author Daniel Clowes
  • Quote

    I think if you had different artists approaching the material in different styles, that’s very different. I think it’s an interesting thing to discover, what’s present in the work even when you’re shifting the styles. I’ve just found it a much stronger way to work.

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  • Author Daniel Clowes
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    I’ve felt that in the past, where I just felt like I had to keep drawing in the same way to maintain this sameness and rhythm throughout an entire book, and it was not really necessary.

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  • Author Daniel Clowes
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    Often I’ll do research just to get a time period correct, but I didn’t have to for the ’70s. I feel like I can close my eyes and still see it so clearly.

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  • Author Daniel Clowes
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    For example, I noticed that every single kid in the high school in ‘The Death-Ray’ is based on somebody I went to high school with.

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  • Author Daniel Clowes
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    I think that’s what we’re all most terrified about: that we’ll just die and disappear and we’ll leave no trace.

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  • Author Daniel Clowes
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    One of my weekend hobbies is to go look at old houses when there are open houses around here. Just to go look at the architecture. And you can see how many houses were built around 1977, the year where everyone said, “Let’s put in these aluminum windows instead of beautiful hand-made wood ones.”

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  • Author Daniel Clowes
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    I actually start drawing things. Usually they’re abandoned before I commit too much time and effort.

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  • Author Daniel Clowes
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    It’s embarrassing to be involved in the same business as the mainstream comic thing. It’s still very embarrassing to tell other adults that I draw comic books – their instant, preconceived notions of what that means.

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  • Author Daniel Clowes
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    I think there was a point that I realized I could do what I wanted to do in terms of the drawing. I used to run around a lot of things. I would shy away from certain things that I realized would be horrible for me to draw, and just wouldn’t be fun.

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