7 Quotes by David Flynn

  • Author David Flynn
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    People, when they?re driving on mountain roads ? curves are to be expected, and it?s not practicable to sign all the curves. Just the general nature of the terrain would suggest there are curves.

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  • Author David Flynn
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    We had 90 votes (in favor) that I have seen melted down in the last two weeks. I am disappointed in my own speaker. I don't know who convinced the members to change their votes, but regardless of any arm twisting I am voting for the people of Massachusetts. I am ashamed to be a Democrat today, and all we are doing is pink-slipping 6,000 people.

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  • Author David Flynn
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    Am I disappointed that my own speaker decided to do some arm-twisting? Yes, I'm disappointed.

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  • Author David Flynn
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    The revolution of science that Newton single-handedly achieved in Principia was primarily that the laws of motion and gravity, and the nature of space and time, had not manifested apart from his belief in the immutable truths of the Bible. From its pages, Newton found the path towards discovery in the natural universe. By his own words, the Bible was his source of inspiration for every theory that he conceived.

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  • Author David Flynn
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    America was, from its inception, a theurgic undertaking embodying the multi- layered symbolism of the mystery schools of Isis and Osiris.

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