7 Quotes by David Pedreira
David Pedreira Quotes By Tag
- Author David Pedreira
Tu te rends compte, des gens qui vivent sur la Lune ? Bon Dieu ! à quinze mètres au-dessus de nos têtes, il fait cent soixante dix degrés en dessous de zéro quand tu te trouves à l’ombre, dans un vide absolu, assez pour que l’eau de ton corps subisse une sublimation avant que tu n’aies le temps de geler sur place. Nous n’avons rien à faire ici, chef, et toute la beauté de la chose réside là.
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- Author David Pedreira
That's the moon, commissioner: hours of boredom followed by a few seconds of terror.
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- Author David Pedreira
If you ever do something as cosmically stupid as that again, at least get it on video. You'll need a keepsake of this place when I fire your ass, and nobody will ever believe this one when you get back on the beach." Cole Benson grinned. "Right. I can't even screw up good." "Then don't screw up at all.”
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- Author David Pedreira
Even grief can be selfish.
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- Author David Pedreira
Isn't that how most conflicts start? With a gross miscalculation of the possibilities of escalation? A village first, then a peninsula, and then a continent? It is cold up here, commander. Cold and distant. Just a point in space from their viewpoint - valuable but aesthetically detached.
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- Author David Pedreira
Panic will kill you - and make you look like an asshole in the process.
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- Author David Pedreira
If you ever do something as comically stupid as that again, at least get it on video. You'll need a keepsake of this place when I fire your ass, and nobody will ever believe this one when you get back on the beach." Cole Benson grinned. "Right. I can't even screw up good." "Then don't screw up at all.
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