18 Quotes by Earl Lovelace

  • Author Earl Lovelace
  • Quote

    All his life he had managed in such ways to disconnect himself from things which he couldn't escape and which threatened to define him in a way in which he didn't want to be defined, and go on untouched, untouched by things that should have touched him, hurt him, burned him.

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  • Author Earl Lovelace
  • Quote

    When we woke up to the realization that we were independent and that independence meant having a culture that we could call our own, we discovered that all we had that might be termed indigenous or native was what had been created or reassembled and maintained here by those at the bottom of the economic ladder.

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  • Author Earl Lovelace
  • Quote

    All of it was there but nothing had substance. It was as if they were all shadows, as if her leaving had taken the life out of the living things and left them shadows. he himself was a shadow.he felt no weight in his step, ,no sound to his voice, no solidity to his gestures. he forgot time. he felt the ache of a pain whose depth he could not fathom no whose end anticipate

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