20 Quotes by Ed Catmull

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  • Author Ed Catmull
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    But I should caution that if you seek to plot out all your moves before you make them—if you put your faith in slow, deliberative planning in the hopes it will spare you failure down the line—well, you’re deluding yourself. For one thing, it’s easier to plan derivative work—things that copy or repeat something already out there. So if your primary goal is to have a fully worked out, set-in-stone plan, you are only upping your chances of being unoriginal.

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  • Author Ed Catmull
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    Unleashing creativity requires that we loosen the control, accept risk, trust our colleagues, work to clear the path for them and pay attention to anything that creates fear. Doing all these things won’t necessarily make the job of creating culture easier, but ease isn’t the goal. Excellence is.

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  • Author Ed Catmull
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    It isn't enough merely to be open to ideas from others. Engaging the collective brainpower of the people you work with is an active, ongoing process. As a manager, you must coax ideas out of your staff and constantly push them to contribute.

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  • Author Ed Catmull
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    I feel like the only reason we’re able to find some of these unique ideas, characters, and story twists is through discovery. And, by definition, ‘discovery’ means you don’t know the answer when you start.

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  • Author Ed Catmull
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    I know that a lot of our successes came because we had pure intentions and great talent, and we did a lot of things right, but I also believe that attributing our successes solely to our own intelligence, without acknowledging the role of accidental events, diminishes us.

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  • Author Ed Catmull
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    Trust doesn't mean that you trust that someone won't screw up— it means you trust them even when they do screw up.

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