37 Quotes by Elana K. Arnold

  • Author Elana K. Arnold
  • Quote

    And that is the way it has always been," the queen mother said again. "And if something is the way it has always been, who are we to wish it otherwise? Who are we to want anything at all? Who are we to desire?""I desire," Ama said.

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  • Author Elana K. Arnold
  • Quote

    Maybe they're not "real" orgasms, since they're always when I'm alone. It's like that question: If a tree falls in the woods and no one hears it, does it make a sound? Probably solo orgasms don't count if a boy isn't there to witness them. To cause them.

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  • Author Elana K. Arnold
  • Quote

    I'll walk as fast as I want, and I will take breaks whenever I feel like it. There is no one to follow, no one to keep up with. There's just me and this one beautiful day, this one moment, right here, now.

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