8 Quotes by Elizabeth of the Trinity
- Author Elizabeth of the Trinity
I have found heaven on earth, since heaven is God, and God is in my soul.
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- Author Elizabeth of the Trinity
During painful times, when you feel a terrible void, think how the capacity of your soul is being enlarged so that it can receive God- becoming as it were, infinite as God is infinite.
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- Author Elizabeth of the Trinity
By our actions we tell Him of our love.
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- Author Elizabeth of the Trinity
You will never be commonplace if you are vigilant in love.
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- Author Elizabeth of the Trinity
Let us ask God to make us true in our love, to make us sacrificial beings, for it seems to me that sacrifice is only love put into action.
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- Author Elizabeth of the Trinity
For my heart is always with Him, day and night it thinks unceasingly of its heavenly and divine Friend, to whom it wants to prove its affection. Also within it arises this desire: not to die, but to suffer long, to suffer for God, to give Him its life while praying for poor sinners.
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- Author Elizabeth of the Trinity
I go to him as a baby goes to his mother so that he can fill me and invade all and take me in his arms.
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- Author Elizabeth of the Trinity
Abyss calls to abyss.” It is there in the very depths that the divine impact takes place, where the abyss of our nothingness encounters the Abyss of mercy, the immensity of the all of God. There we will find the strength to die to ourselves and, losing all vestige of self, we will be changed into love.
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