137 Quotes by Elmar Hussein

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  • Author Elmar Hussein
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    İf you can change your brain, by the use of mindfulness and meditation, you can also change your life. Your life is what you think about your life. And whatever you think is closely related to what is going on in the brain.Therefore, let's start with a change in the brain.

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  • Author Elmar Hussein
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    If you hold tremendous power in your hands, you cannot be a winner without sacrificing someone else's life. Power and morality are incompatible.

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  • Author Elmar Hussein
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    1. Your personal identity over time is dependent on mental connectedness of your being at an earlier time and your being at a later time. If there is no right way for this connectivity, this will mean that your inner world as a whole system has already changed over a period of time and for that reason you are not yet the same person. Make it sure whether you have still the same personality or not before claiming that you are one and the same person.

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  • Author Elmar Hussein
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    If everyone were like you, you could be the same as everyone. Since this is impossible, we are all unique in the universe. Without one of us, the universe will be a little less colorful, less interesting, less complete.

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  • Author Elmar Hussein
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    Most men, if not all, live in their illusions. To destroy this illusion is to deprive them of their happiness. In this context, we face a serious moral choice: whether to allow a person to live in illusion and be happy, or open his eyes and make him unhappy.

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