21 Quotes by Emma Lord

  • Author Emma Lord
  • Quote

    There’s a ghost of a smirk on Pepper’s face, but she’s so close, I can hear it more than I can see it. “Pepper and Jack,” she corrects me. Then her eyes light up. “Pepperjack.

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  • Author Emma Lord
  • Quote

    Are you a witch?” I ask, reaching in and taking a bite of one. It’s like Monster Cake, the Sequel—freaking Christmas in my mouth. I already want more before I’ve even managed to chew.

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  • Author Emma Lord
  • Quote

    You can’t just casually tell someone you carry caramel sauce around and walk away like that’s a normal thing,” I call at her retreating back. “What other emergency dessert condiments do you have stashed in your bag?

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  • Author Emma Lord
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    I don't even make it to the bed, sitting on the floor for no real reason, really, except the bed seems too comfortable, and I don't deserve to ride this misery out in any kind of comfort.

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  • Author Emma Lord
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    I want you to be happy,' he says.Of all the things he's ever said to me, this might be the worst. Because I know what would make me happy, and it's not something he can give.

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  • Author Emma Lord
  • Quote

    The feeling was enough, I think. Just to know it. To have it in my bones, make it a part of my history. There was a beautiful 'before,' without an 'after' to wreck it on the other side.

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  • Author Emma Lord
  • Quote

    Approximately eighteen hours after my kiss with Jack Campbell—my kiss with Jack Campbell—I am sitting at a card table with Pooja in the front entrance of the school behind our veritable army of baked goods, overanalyzing the situation to such an absurd degree, it is now less of a kiss and more of an FBI investigation.

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  • Author Emma Lord
  • Quote

    There's nothing quite as awkward as living in a shadow that is quite literally the same shape as yours.

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