83 Quotes by Emma Richler
- Author Emma Richler
There is an abiding fear Bonaparte will invade England by way of a tunnel beneath the Channel. How ingenious! Why, had such a marvellous thing been in place, the Tsar might have spend to Dover in an open barouche instead of enduring the mal de mer!
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- Author Emma Richler
In London, Alexander knows, they like neither his sister nor himself. Society considers the Tsar silly and vain, a ballroom dancer with golden curls and a lorgnette up his sleeve, an aloof monarch who turns a deaf ear, as Napolean said of him at Erfurt, to anything he does not want to hear. In effect, when the Tsar turns an ear, it is only to favour the right, as he is quite deaf in the left. Yes, Alexander loves to dance, he is myopic, he turns a deaf ear. What of it?
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- Author Emma Richler
Remembrance is so physical!
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- Author Emma Richler
The older she grows, the farther she walks. It is a good thing the world is round and she is fond of walking in circles or else she might disappear across three times nine countries in the thirtieth tsardom!
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- Author Emma Richler
Every man has a part and a destiny, some stronger than others.
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- Author Emma Richler
'What is the point of ducking?' says the old soldier to the young soldier. 'Each shot has a man's name on it anyway!' he laughs. 'Nothing you can do.'
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- Author Emma Richler
And as he recalls the old soldier's wisdom regarding bullets and fate, how pointless evasion is when each shot has a man's name on it, he lurches upright, to the waist, a roaring sound in his ears.
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- Author Emma Richler
How very glad I am that the boy ran into my shop! See how it ends well! I play my part! Everyone has a part and a destiny, that's my perspective.
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- Author Emma Richler
The soul dwells outside the body, in some special place. The soul is in the song.
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