55 Quotes About Pointless

  • Author Awdhesh Singh
  • Quote

    We must understand that each one of us is unique in this universe. Hence, it is pointless to compare ourselves with any other person. Just like a cow is not inferior to a dog, since both of them are perfect in themselves, we too are perfect in the way we are. We can make ourselves better and reach higher levels of perfection, but we can’t become like anyone else.

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  • Author Steven Weinberg
  • Quote

    I'm offended by the kind of smarmy religiosity that's all around us, perhaps more in America than in Europe, and not really that harmful because it's not really that intense or even that serious, but just... you know after a while you get tired of hearing clergymen giving the invocation at various public celebrations and you feel, haven't we outgrown all this? Do we have to listen to this?

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