317 Quotes by Emo Philips

  • Author Emo Philips
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    If an asteroid is coming toward you, you don’t have to blow it up. You just have to slow it down long enough for our country to rotate out of the way.

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  • Author Emo Philips
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    I don’t have to tell you folks about scuba diving. So, that’ll save some time.

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  • Author Emo Philips
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    I try not to talk during the day when I have a show that night. My voice is my instrument, just like a saxophonist’s instrument is his saxophone, plus also his voice, if he’s the one between tunes that makes announcements.

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  • Author Emo Philips
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    The other night, the president gave a speech. He said, “children are our most prescious natural resource”. I thought, “let’s hope it never comes to that”.

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  • Author Emo Philips
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    Probably the toughest time in anyone’s life is when you have to murder a loved one because they’re the devil.

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  • Author Emo Philips
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    I’ve always thought the best way to teach a kid not to be scared of the dark is to fill his daylight hours with as much horror as possible.

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  • Author Emo Philips
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    I’ve always had a special place in my heart for old women digging through garbage bins. They saved my life so many times as a baby.

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  • Author Emo Philips
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    Sometimes my mother goes through my socks and underwear. I wouldn’t mind, but it tickles so much!

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