7 Quotes by Estelle Laure

  • Author Estelle Laure
  • Quote

    What man is such a coward he would rather not fall once than stand forever tottering? Most people totter their whole lives. They never let themselves fall, never take the hit. They just go along, trying to do what they think they're supposed to. They never try to find out what's true for them, because that would mean being brave in a way people aren't.

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  • Author Estelle Laure
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    - "Esiste un uomo tanto codardo da non preferire cadere almeno una volta piuttosto che vacillare in eterno?" La maggior parte delle persone passa la vita a vacillare. Non si concedono mai di cadere, neanche di provarci. Vanno avanti a fare quello che pensano di dover fare. Non cercano mai di scoprire qual è la loro vera natura, perché significherebbe tirare fuori un coraggio che molti non hanno.

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  • Author Estelle Laure
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    All feeling has an equivalent in action or is useless""Did you say that?" Of course not," she says. "Virginia Woolf

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  • Author Estelle Laure
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    Just because the crack doesn't show doesn't mean it's not there.

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  • Author Estelle Laure
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    Copii reprezintă o acoră ce-i ține pe picioarele pe pământ;pentru alții copii sunt creația lor.

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