18 Quotes by Francesco Petrarca

  • Author Francesco Petrarca
  • Quote

    Among the many subjects which interested me, I dwelt especially upon antiquity, for our own age has always repelled me, so that, had it not been for the love of those dear to me, I should have preferred to place myself in spirit in other ages, and consequently I delighted in history.

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  • Author Francesco Petrarca
  • Quote

    Now that the time that calls me to departdraws near, I think, or will not be too long,like one whom losses make acute and wise,I keep on wondering where I left the waythat leads to a safe haven on the right:and on the one hand I am stungby shame and sorrow making me turn back;and on the other cannot breakthe habit of a pleasure grown so strongthat now it dares to play for time with death.

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  • Author Francesco Petrarca
  • Quote

    Laura, illustrious through her own virtues, and long famed through my verses, first appeared to my eyes in my youth, in the year of our Lord 1327, on the sixth day of April, in the church of St. Clare in Avignon, at matins; and in the same city, also on the sixth day of April, at the same first hour, but in the year 1348, the light of her life was withdrawn from the light of day, while I, as it chanced, was in Verona, unaware of my fate...

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